George Yang

Co-founder of Zemetal

George Yang is the co-founder of Zemetal, a well-known sheet metal manufacturing company, bringing a unique blend of innovation and expertise to the industry. His journey began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, focusing on materials science and manufacturing processes. This academic foundation laid the groundwork for his deep understanding of metal properties and advanced manufacturing techniques, which he has applied effectively throughout his career.

With over two decades of experience in the field, George has become a respected figure in sheet metal fabrication. His expertise extends beyond the technical aspects of manufacturing to include project management and product development. He has been instrumental in integrating cutting-edge automation technologies into the company’s operations, significantly enhancing both efficiency and product quality. This technical acumen is complemented by his commitment to continuous learning, as evidenced by his certifications in lean manufacturing and quality management systems.

George’s professional credentials are a testament to his dedication and skill. As a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, he excels in process improvement and operational excellence. His contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed, earning him accolades such as the National Manufacturing Leadership Award. This combination of education, expertise, and recognition makes George Yang a distinguished figure in the world of sheet metal fabrication.

George Yang’s impact in the sheet metal fabrication industry extends beyond his current achievements, setting a course for future innovation. With his unique combination of skills and experience, he is poised to lead the industry towards new technologies and sustainable practices. As the field evolves, George’s vision for integrating advanced technologies like AI and IoT, along with his commitment to environmental responsibility, will not only redefine industry standards but also inspire future generations in the field.


  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Project management
  • Automation in sheet metal fabrication


Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering, MIT, focus on materials science and manufacturing


  • Certified Six Sigma Black Belt
  • National Manufacturing Leadership Award recipient
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